misc terms

all the extra terms that didnt fit under another umbrella/there werent enough to justify adding another umbrella


A stance similar to sunset paraphile or fluffypara, but with more emphasis on being weird and fucked up and enjoying it. Mix in some CKP, and pretty much all those stand for apply.

Does not support or condone acting on non-consensual paraphilias*, but believes in being weird and having fun being weird.

This stance supports

This stance does not support

I chose the name vilepara as a sorta misnomer sorta not. Paraphiles often get labeled and disregarded as being degenerate, gross, weird, etc and the name is supposed to play into and reclaim that idea. I love being gross and weird and fucked up and having weird ideas about sex. It's not always fun or easy but I've learned to love it despite that and that's what this is all about babyyyy!!!

* non-exhaustive list of non-con paras: zoophilia, pedophilia (those who think animals or children can consent fuck OFF), necrophilia, raptophilia, somnophilia, etc. Play is supported as long as consent is involved**.

** consent meaning having an explicit understanding of what one is consenting to, and the ability to revoke consent at any time for any reason. This also includes understanding who can and cannot give consent. Discussion of boundaries and scenarios before something happens is important!

empathy fucked

A flag for when your empathy is fucked for any reason. This can include hyperempathy, hypoempathy, empathyflux, or any other kind of empathy abnormality.

I made this to describe my weird relationship with empathy and how I personally only experience it for those I'm close to, but it can be used for anyone who feels like they can describe their empathy as "fucked."


A dissofession subterm connected to thinking one is a sex worker and that makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter that profession differs from the body, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external profession.

Church of Sylvian

A ficto-religion(link) based off the Church of Sylvian from Fear & Hunger. The faith mostly follows the beliefs and influence of the goddess Sylvian which include love, healing, creation and growth. Sex is usually a big part of worship, but it doesn't have to be. It's more about love and creation than the act itself. Physical as well as emotional healing are also a big part of worship, and using human connection as a means of getting better is a key aspect of it. Community and humanity are important of the religion, and love isn't exclusive to sexual or romantic love, either. Any kind of love and passion one experiences is valid to the practice. It preaches self love as well as love for all life.

catboy4dogboy / dogboy4catboy flag

Silly little flag I made for my boyfriend and I bc we're catboy4dogboy

You can also use this for catgirl4dogirl, catperson4dogperson, or any other variation of it!!!!

xeno-titles / xenotitles

Xeno-titles are alternative/supplementary titles intended to replace the use of a more typical title. Often xeno-titles are derivative of the title they're supplementing, but not necessarily. They are also usually intended for use by/for GNC/LNC, nonbinary, xenic or otherwise queer individuals, but anyone can use them. They often have the same or a similar meaning to what they are supplementing, but are simply changing the language to something the user prefers.

Titles can include, but are not limited to: relationship titles, work or professional titles, formal titles, terms of address, gender titles, honorifics, etc.

They can include anything from emojis, abbreviations, references, jokes, to incorporating other languages.


These are just some ideas! Go crazy with them, make them themed and personal.

I'm not claiming to be the creator of this concept, as I'm very much not, I'm just putting a name to a phenomenon I've seen a lot, and maybe spreading awareness of the concept.

a flag with 19 horizontal stripes and spikes. the colors are symmetrical towards the center and go white spikes, dark blue violet spikes, bright blue line, dark blue violet thin line, white line, dark blue violet spikes, red line, bright blue thin line, dark blue violet thin line. the center line is red and has a dripping effect as if it’s liquid. in the middle there is a symbol of two smiling white cat heads with red mouths and a black outline leaning on each other. the cat on the left is a bit more stylized than the cat on the right. it has a led screen texture over top. same as the previous flag without the symbol.

same as the previous flag without the led texture. same as the first flag without the led texture.


An id4id label where one's identity/gender is connected to femtynal in some way and is aligned with or prioritizes relationships between themselves and other folks who also identity with/as femtynal's music.