being a girli is so hard sometimes
a ammature styled anime drawing of me (cahara) making a peace sign


a small icon of a slab of meat.

26 / about pronouns / ESFP-T 7w8 / taken x3r x1af The current mood of sunnycities at

a small icon of a doll. it has stringy hair and a brown dress with a crudely drawn smile

polyamorous / bisexual / faggot / ace-jump / mutamoric / gorewhore / hypersexuvesi / gorevesil / vilepara / empathy fucked

a pixel divider of gore and viscera

Idk how exactly to do an intro. I'm Cahara of the South The Web System, but I go by a lot of different names, mostly for fun. My current favorite is Catherine and it's my primary secondary name, but I've recently started going by Blair as well. I'm the current host and primary fronter and I live with my partners and child near front. I made this mostly because whatever is wrong with me is getting too long for pluralkit's description character limit and the skills to code html.

I'm a whore, a slut even, and there's definitely something wrong with me, but I'm working on it <3. I have BPD, narcissistic traits and experience psychotic delusions from time to time. I'm also hypersexual but I'm normal about it (lie).

I have a habit of reclaiming slurs and derogatory terms such as "faggot", "psycho", "insnane", "slut", etc. I also have a naturally very flirtatious personality at times. Don't read into it, I don't mean anything by it, it's literally just how I am. If I actually have a thing you you, you'll know. If either of those things make you uncomfortable feel free to let me know and I'll make an effort to censor myself. It's something I'm still working on though so please be patient and feel free to remind me. I also tend to use typically gendered language such as "dude", "girl", "king/queen", etc. and if that makes you uncomfortable also please tell me and let me know your preferred language if any.

a pixel divider of gore and viscera


I don't have many in general, but I'm really hesitant about source talk unless it's initated by me, and I'm very uncomfortable with those close to me playing my source or knowing too much about it if they don't already. Besides that, I'm fine with pretty much anything. You can flirt, call me names, poke and prod, and do unspeakable things to me, I don't really mind. Just ask for consent first ~

a pixel divider of gore and viscera


❤️💕 Celeste / wife

❤️💕 D'arce / fiancé

❤️💕 Ragnvaldr / partner

❤️💞 Enki/Val / boyfriend

🩷💕 Majha / daughter

🩷💞 Bluecube / worstie

❤️/r 🤍/af 🩷/fam 💕/iw 💞/ow

About Names

I'm pretty lax with names, and will ultimately respond to anything if you call me it enough times, but these are my most common ones:

  • Cahara (main)
  • Catherine (primary secondary)
  • Blair (the silly third)

Some nicknames are:

  • Cathy
  • Cath-hara / Cathhara / Cathara
  • Cahater
  • whatever you feel the need to come up with

About Pronouns

Explanation for my pronouns!!! I don't have any set pronouns, but I don't use typical pronouns, or even neopronouns. My pronouns are just fuck it up

Non-comprehensive list of pronoun ideas:

  • keyboard smashes
  • nonsense sounds
  • rapidly switching between pronouns
  • using random nounself pronouns. or just nouns in general. actually any word. go crazy
  • vaguely gesturing and not saying anything
  • progressively adding more pronouns
  • all of the above in any order
  • any new, creative and strange way to refer to me is very welcome (+ new ideas are welcome)

This originally started as a joke but I think it's just who I am now. You can, of course, just use he/him pronouns for me, but if you do you're fucking boring and have no taste and I will call you out for misgendering me.

Feel free to use this idea as a base for your own pronouns or directly rip it from me idc!!! if you use them and feel like linking back to this you can but there's literally no pressure to do so

About Titles

Arguably the most devious & nefarious section depending on if you're fucking based or nah, because I like to use a lot of derogatory language. I don't know a ton about titles other than they are about having fun, and I'm all about having fun, chat. Mostly very simple, as I feel weird using more detailed ones, but go crazy with them like everything else. I also encourageS rapidly switching between several as well as coming up with your own you think might fit me.

Non-comprehensive list of title ideas:

  • dog/puppy titles; the dog, the puppy, the biter, (prn) who bites the hand that feeds, the dogboy, the mutt, etc
  • mercenary titles; the mercenary, the hired hand, my merc, the sword, (prn) who is hired, etc
  • dumb/stupid/silly titles; the idiot, the fool, the goober, the brainless one, (prn) without thought, a silly goose, etc
  • slut/whore/bitch titles (18+ exclusive use); my slut, the whore, that bitch, (prn) who is shameless, etc
  • faggot/queer titles (exclusive to friends/etc); the faggot, the fag, the queer, the gay loser, etc
  • any combination of the above; the dumb mutt, the stupid slut, the faggot whore, the slutty puppy, the mercenary whore, etc

You don't have to use all of these, or any of them for that matter, and please mind the use warnings. Am I allowing people to fully call me slurs? Yeah. IDGAF.

my art :3

meeeeeeee :3

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Your immortal lover would be...


Your immortal lover is the true embodiment of love and beauty. You seek love that is true and undiluted by games or malice. You are a great communicator and are able to have emtionally mature relationships.

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The Large Blue butterfly is a species of carnivorous butterfly, and went extinct in Britain in 1979. It has since been reintroduced with new conservation methods.

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My Playlist :3


main tumblr: @cannibal-dogboy / coining blog: @webby-mogai / nsfw coining blog: @webby-after-dark / discord: @thewebsys


avatar: @caharae on tumblr / icons: Fear & Hunger by Miro Haverinen / divider: @BloodyScreeching on deviantart / preview: @milkymolle on tumblr

a transparent drawing of an anime catgirl in a black nurse outfit. she has small wings and is holding a first aid kit and an iv. all the red is edited to have a glitter gif texture

low poly skeleton swining from the ceiling discourse? no thanks. shut the fuck up.